Novel, AI-Supported Software for Developmental Disabilities Community

Delivering Self Direction, Independence and Community Inclusion to Individuals with Development Disabilities. Driving Increased Efficiency, Improved Compliance and Enhanced ROI for Development Disabilities Providers.


The Developmental Disabilities Community is drastically underserved from a critical technology perspective. Providers often lack the requisite technology to connect all disconnected parties and efficiently deal with the numerous forms, financial transactions and reporting requirements inherent in their worlds. The result for Providers is a lot of inefficient, paper-based, manual processes, high admin costs, numerous admin errors and related Major Unusual Incidents (MUIs). The result for Individuals and their families is frustration and dissatisfaction due to limited visibility and self direction, as it relates to the services they receive.

Solution- Software for developmental disabilities


LiveCare is an increasingly AI-driven, transformative technology solution for the developmental disabilities’ community delivering benefits to all stakeholders in the process, including Individuals with developmental disabilities, their families, providers and regulators. LiveCare seamlessly connects DD Consumers, Caregivers, Provider Management, Drivers and Family/Guardians in real-time and automates several core, manual, paper-intensive Provider processes and workflows including:

  1. Consumer Financial Ledger Management
  2. Consumer and Caregiver Transportation Management
  3. Consumer Experience Management and Reporting
  4. Scheduling and Appointment Management


LiveCare improves the Consumer experience and independence with:

  • A simple to use mobile app that allows Individuals or the families to have visibility into and manage their financial accounts, transportation services and HPC services
  • Automated, paperless management and control of Consumers’ financial accounts managed by their Providers
  •  Enhanced Consumer mobility to get to work, appointments, and outside activities through optimized transportation management
  • Multi-media documentation to effectively memorialize Consumer experiences and share with participants and their family members
  • More accountable and timely service provision by in-home caregiver

LiveCare increases the efficiency, compliance, and ROI of Provider operations through:

  • Reduced administrative errors and time savings related to the digital recording, and automated management and reconciliation of Consumer financial accounts (typical reduction of 20 – 35 percent)
  • Improved vehicle utilization through intelligent driver and vehicle scheduling and route optimization (typical increase of 15 – 25 percent)
  • Automated process to document and memorialize Consumer outings and activities for regulatory reporting and sharing with family members
  • Increased accountability and efficiency of in-residence caregiver service provision

Consumer Financial Account Management Module

The Consumer Financial Account Management (CFAM) Module transforms how Providers manage the financial ledgers for Consumer petty cash, gift card, bank, food stamp, trust accounts through a largely autonomous, hyper-efficient, and radically cost-effective manner by:

  • Replacing paper ledgers and manual receipts with electronic ledgers and receipt images
  • Streamlining inefficient and expensive admin processes
  • Reducing opportunity for administrative errors and fraud
  • Providing real-time account visibility to managers, family and guardians

Specifically, the Consumer Financial Ledger Management Module delivers the following functionality:

  • Online documentation and recording of all deposits, withdrawals, purchases and redeposits for Consumer financial accounts
  • Auto-identification of discrepancies and errors through virtual desk audits and notifications to designated management
  • Automated monthly account reconciliation process and packet creation processes
Livecare - Software for developmental disabilities

LiveCare Transportation Management Module

The Transportation Management Module allows Providers to manage the transport of Consumers and Caregivers responsively and cost-effectively to outside appointments, activities, events and work by:

    • Improving timeliness and efficiency of dispatching operations
    • Using Onsen’s AI-powered Optimizer to auto-generate the optimal routes across all Trip Requests
    • Optimizing vehicle and driver scheduling and assignment through the AI-powered Optimizer

Specifically, the Transportation Management Module supports the following capabilities:

  • Caregiver submission of Trip Requests for transportation of Consumer and Caregivers
  • Optimized scheduling, dispatching and routing of Drivers and vehicles that transport the Consumers
  • Real-time visibility to the status of Consumer trips and Driver routes
  • Auto-creation of billing file with a variety of format options

Scheduling and Appointment Management Software Module

The Scheduling and Appointment Management Module enables Provider admin or management staff to intelligently assign, monitor and manage appointments and activities of Provider staff and resources by:

    • Using Onsen’s AI-powered Optimizer to ubiquitously schedule, assign and dispatch remote and mobile resources
    • Improving quality and timeliness of in-home care and service delivery
    • Significantly increasing Provider staff and resource-productivity

Specifically, the Scheduling and Appointment Management Module supports the following capabilities:

  • Intelligent assignment, scheduling, dispatching and monitoring of Consumer and Caregiver tasks and appointments
  • 360-degree management visibility to the status of assigned tasks, appointments and resources
  • Real-time monitoring of staff, activities, sites and tasks through map and list views

Consumer Experience Module

The Consumer Experience Module delivers efficient, accurate and multimedia documentation of Consumer experiences by:

    • Automating the capture of the participants, location, date and time of Consumer experiences
    • Supporting photo and video documentation of experiences
    • Automating the creation of reports for oversight agencies and families

    Specifically, the Experience Module delivers the following functionality:

    • Easy creation of Experience Reports by Caregivers for each Consumer outing and activity
    • Auto-capture of date, time, location, description, attendees and other details for each Experience
    • Upload photos and videos with captions to the Experience Report

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